People say China is a word factory, and that is exactly correct. You can buy almost anything from China. It is also the truth that most of the products China suppliers export are low end cheap products, some are even bad in the quality. We are not happy with that. At the first beginning of our factory was founded 10 years ago, we set up an aim to manufacture the best quality interlocking and friction kelly bar for worldwide clients. And we’re lucky more and more clients including the foundation drill tools retailers, bored piling contractor companies are quite satisfied with our products and service. These customers come from many countries in the world, like United States, UK, CANADA, Mexico, Singarpore, Brazil, Malaysia and more. So, we have great confidence in our drill rig Kelly bar, and we will keep improving our technology and control the cost to maintain our leadership in the industry.
When it comes to the product itself, let’s see the construction features of our telescopic friction and mechinal interlocking kelly bar. The torque ranges from 50 to 500 kNm and in drilling length ranges from 6 to 140 m. All our drill rig Kelly bar is tailored made to your needs, whatever your machine is Bauer BG 30, BG 26, or Soilmec SR-40, SR-30. Regarding the quality, we guarantee one Year. drill rig Kelly bar from the original manufacturers such as Bauer, Soilmec, MAIT, IMT, SANY, Zoomlion, XCMG is really expensive to afford, and it is the same situation when buying from Italy manufacturer or other Europe suppliers. The reason to choose us as your kelly bar supplier is, we only produce high quality product, we guarantee the quality, and most importantly our price is very competitive. What does it means ? It means you save money, the same as making more money. So, if you are in need of a quality kelly bar supplier from China, just feel free to contact us.
High Quality Tailored-Made Interlocking And friction kelly bars Applied To Any Drill Rigs Available In The Market, Including But Are Not Limited To The Following: